Homorhythm points to
It points to the
LAW AND ORDER of this universe, itself being one of these laws
and orders. It is pointing out to the fact that God the Creator
exists. Without the sovereign and all-supreme hand of God
the operation of homorhythm would be simply impossible altogether.
Each man having his own homorhythm, the interrelaltionship between
men's lives are far more minute than the most comlicated scheme
of machinery composed of most delicate and elaborated gear
wheels- the product of intelligence. Nothing by chance produces
such devices of intelligence. Homorhythm has been the toll
of funeral bell for the fake theory of Evolution which arrogantly
deies all as regards God and His creation.
It also points to
the Bible as His message. If God IS, there ought to be His messages
toward men His creatures. The Bible has asserted itself to be
that. There are many who regards Noah's Flood as a sheer hoax
and fake. But Homorhythm proves to be true that Noah lived up
to his 950 years of age and that at the age of 600 he witnessed
the Flood.
And the core of the
Holy Bible is Jesus Christ. Just as He says: "you diligently
study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess
eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me,
yet you refuse to come to me to have life. I do not accept
praise from men, but I know you. I know that you do not have
the love of God in your hearts"(Jn. 5:39-42). And homorhythm
proves it to be so by showing us that His earthly life was suddenly
and violently cut short even before gratifying His given duration
of life time as a man and thus leaving to all generations the
only example of life that has been the sole exception to the
iron rule and control of homorhythm.
Structure of Homorhythm curious, interesting and amiable enough
to be digested over and over again
In additon to that,
the structure of Homorhythm itself shows the sublime thoughts
of its Designer and Operator as He first set up this law.
In other words, all the lives of individuals are homorhythmically
classified by its three patterns only - OT, SN and FS. It
is a wonder that these three patterns indicate the original diagram
of God's creation. It is because this also is the diagram of
love as love is considered to be the law of life, for love
is the very product of the creation. Without the act of creation
love would have never come into being.
Love is formed between
twos. Love is the act and will of the two to be one. This
disposition to be one on each part is owing to their nature
to return to the original one from which the two has been derived.
The love between
man and woman has been originated from the fact that Eve came
from Adam. Adam was the original ONE body and by Eve coming
from him they became two bodies separated but one body in origin.
Without creation
God was the sole existence in all the universe. And God created.
By this act of creation ONE has become TWO-God and the creatures.
Even though the ONE has been divided in TWO, the TWO are ONE
in origin and in essence. This disposition to remain as ONE
is 'love'. God is bound to love His creatures as Himself
because they have come from Himself as His parts in substance.
By the same reason the creatures are obliged to love God. In
other words, the creatures are the visible shape, image or likeness
of the invisible God. And so the words-"For since the creation
of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and
divine nature-- have been clearly seen, being understood from
what has been made, so that men are without excuse"(Rom.
The structure of
Homorhythm itself reveals this very fact. FS indicates the
sole existence of God Himself before the creation, while SN
and OT symbolize the state in which God and His creatures now exist
as TWO. For this reason SN and OT have in them the original
form of FS, which is named as JP. JP has a striking resemblance
to FS. And this is why FS has not the period of JP like the
other patterns-SN and OT.

FS has joints or
nodes like bamboo culms-56 in all. And SN and OT each have 57
nodes while JP consists of 56. JP's nodes are different from
the others for they are the symbol or modification of FS' nodes.
These nodes are meaningful
when you seek a united harmony among the three patterns in
the structure of Homorhythm. By these nodes you can find the
analogy between FS and JP. These nodes are also important
when you want to analyze the periods of JP in the lives of SN
and OT.
And by this cure
arrangement of nodes Homorhythm clearly reflects the fact
that OT and SN with FS symbolize the trinity- that is,
the divided TWO along with ONE the original of which state
the TWO continually want to return to, make THREE.
FS represents the
original and OT and SN the divided two aspects of that original.
The 57 nodes of OT become 19 if divided by 3. SN is just the
opposite, for if its 57 nodes are divided by 19 each period
of SN has 3 nodes. Homorhythmic periods are clusters of these
Think of it.
These two seem to have the same quality with each other. The
mystery of the odd figure of 19 is thus explained, recognized and
justified. 19(nodes)x3(periods)=57(OT)/3(nodes)x19(periods)=57(SN)
The shapes of the above two formulars of figuring are the same,
but different in their operation. The Creator and the creatures
are of ONE origin because the Creator made the creatures out
of Himself. But the Creator and the creatures are not the same,
though stuck together as ONE. Don't misunderstand me: by
this phrase of "sticking together" I mean that without
God there cannot be us the creatures and without the creature
whom God loves and cares for there cannot be a God Whom we adore
and love. As true as we exist, so the existence of God the Creator
should be.
From this origin
has been derived the well known theory of the negative and positive-
everything has its two sides to look at. Everything has its
relativity.l Where there is life there should also be death.
As true as delight is, so are sorrow and anguish. If there are
things temporal there should be things eternal. As there are
things visible, so are the things invisible. All of these have
been originated from the Creation, for "in the beginning
God created the heavens and the earth"(Gen.1:1).
whole universe exists because of its law and order being operated
precisely and minutely. And this human society, needless to
say, is the same with its own law and order man-made and remains
to this day as it does according to its own law and order,
the product of high intellegence. What about the man himself
then? Dose the life of man go as it wills? It without exception
and without being excepted moves strictly in accordance with
its law and order. One of these 'laws and orders' is Homorhythm.
It turns out to be the fist among them which can be proved
mathematically. This conception of "law and order"
necessarily and irresistibly indicates the unescapable involvement
of the Supreme Intelligence, God the Creator. Scientists rightly
demanded to have proofs that human life itself has been under such
control as the nature of this universe has. And today they
get to have that evidence - that is, Homorhythm. They have insisted
that the mere fact of an orderly nature is not enough to be
the proof of God's existence. They demanded an unmistakable
proof that the lives of men of FREE WILL are being regulated
precisely in such way. Now they have the needed answer - that
is, Homorhythm. So long as they cannot disprove Homorhythm with
full scientific evidences against it, they have to shut their
"God is not" mouths forever. They have to prove to
the whole world that Homorhythm is a hoax and fraud, without
which they have to shut their "God is not" mouths forever.
Be not deceived;
God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall
he also reap.
The one who sows
to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction;
the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit
will reap eternal life.
(Galatians 6:7)

According to these pattern
diagrams of SN, OT, FS we will continue to unfold the lives
of men and women of history.
For your reference
we will arrange below the life diagrams of Fashomo (We either
call it "Trinihomo" or name it "Fashomo" for
FAS in Lain means "divine law") of 35 American Presidents from George
Washington to Lyndon B. Johnson.

Among them those who belong to the pattern of
OT are 12 in all, SN 15 and FS 13. All the seven Presidents
who consist of the mysterious cycle of 20 are of SN pattern.
Would it be a mere coincidence?