Power and Period |
Others(to be continued)
Hussein was executed in Dec. 2006.
Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword (Matthew 26:52). Be not deceived;
God is not mocked: The Personal History of Saddam Hussein (1) "Saddam
Hussein joined the socialist Baath party when he was 19. He made
his mark three years later when he participated in a 1959 assassination
attempt against Iraqi Prime Minister Abudul Karim Kassim. Saddam
was shot in the leg during the botched effort and fled the country
for several years, first to Syria, then Egypt.
The Personal History of Saddam Hussein (2)Saddam Hussein was born on April 28, 1937, in a small village of al-Auja near the town of Takrit. His early child hood was spent in a mud hut in a mostly Sunni Muslim part of Iraq, which is approximately (100) one-hundred miles north of Baghdad. Hussein's father, Hussein al-Majid, died or abandoned the family (according to who is reporting the story), within a short time of his birth. Accurate records are difficult to obtain in a country where Hussein's birthday is celebrated as a national holiday. He was reared alone by his mother Subha, until she took a second husband, Ibrahim Hassan. Hassan, often said to have been brutal and a thief, was a sheepherder by profession and enlisted Saddam in his ventures. According to a former personal secretary of Hussein, his step father abused Saddam and sent him to steal chicken and sheep to be sold. This pattern continued until 1947 when, at the age of ten, he was allowed to move in with his mother's brother, Khayrallah Tulfah, in Baghdad. In Baghdad, Hussein began to learn more than reading and writing. His tutor, Khayrallah had been "cashiered" from the Iraqi army for supporting a "Pro-Nazi" coup attempt that failed. Khayrallah's bitterness towards the British and imperialism, soon was transferred to Saddam. In fact, some confidants of Hussein point to his relationship with Tulfah as a turning point in his political awareness. To demonstrate Tulfah's importance to Hussein, he was later made Mayor of Baghdad under the Hussein regime. Saddam finished intermediate school (roughly the equivalent of 9th Grade) at the age of sixteen, and attempted to be admitted to the prestigious Baghdad Military Academy. Unfortunately, his poor grades prevented him from doing so, and he became more deeply involved in political matters. In 1956, he participated in a non-successful coup attempt against the monarchy of King Faisal II. In 1957, he joined the Baath party, a radical nationalist movement. In 1958, a non-Baathist group of army officers succeeded in overthrowing the King. The group was led by General Abdul Qassim. In 1959, Saddam and a group of Baathist supporters attempted to assassinate Gen. Qassim by a day-light machine-gun attack. The attack was unsuccessful, but it helped to place Hussein in a leadership position in the Baathist movement and furthered the process of nationalist political indoctrination. After the attack, in which Hussein is slightly wounded, he fled to Syria. From Syria, he went to Cairo, Egypt where he would spend the next four (4) years. While receiving aid from Egypt, he finished high school at the age of twenty-four and continued his political education. While in Egypt, he was arrested on at least two occasions for threatening a fellow student and chasing another down the street with a knife, both for political differences. In 1961, he entered Cairo University School of Law, but did not finish his studies there. In 1963, a group of Baathist army officers tortured and assassinated General Qassim. This was done on Iraqi television. They also mutilated many of Qassim's devotees and showed their bodies (in close up) on the nightly news for more than one night. Saddam, hearing the news, quickly rushed back to Iraq to become involved in the revolution. And involved, he was, as both an interrogator and torturer at the infamous "Palace of the End", in the basement of the former palace of King Faisal. According to reports by Hanna Batatu (a government reporter), Hussein rose quickly through the ranks, due to his extreme efficiency as a torturer. The Baathist party split in 1963 and Saddam had supported the "winner" in the latest party struggle. He was appointed by Michel Aflaq to be a member of the Baath Regional Command. In 1964, Hussein was jailed by some "rightist" military officers who opposed the Baathist takeover. Through other political influence provided by his older cousin, General Ahmad Hassan al-Bakr, Hussein became deputy Secretary-General of the Baathists in 1966. In 1966, Hussein escaped from prison and set up a Baathist internal party security system known as the Jihaz Haneen. It was to serve as the continuation of his political and real rise to power in Iraq. In 1968, another major upheaval in Iraq gave Hussein the greatest opportunity for further advancement; his mentor, Gen. Bakr and the Baathist seized the government. Hussein was made Deputy Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council, in charge of internal security. At the age of thirty-one (31) he had acquired what could have been deemed the number two spot in the Baathist party. He would continue in the position for approximately the next ten years. During that time, he would continue to consolidate his power by appointing numerous family members to positions of authority in the Iraqi government. In his position of Deputy in Charge of Internal Security, he built an enormous security apparatus and had spies and informers everywhere in the circles of power in Iraq. During this time, Hussein also began to accumulate the wealth and position that he so relished as a poor sheep-herder in the desert of al-Auja. He and his family, now firmly entrenched in the infrastructure of the country , began to control the country's oil and other industrial enterprises. With the help of his security network and several personal assassins, Hussein took control of many of the nation's leading businesses. In 1978, Saddam had been working with othe r Arab nations to ostracize Egypt for it's diplomatic initiative in resolving Israel/Arab questions. An ally, President Hafez al-Assad of Syria, almost became the undoing of Hussein's ascension. If a Syrian/Iraqi federation were formed against Egypt, Assad, not Hussein, would rise to a position of greater power in the relationship. President Bakr would lead the federation with Assad as second in command. Hussein could not allow that to happen and began to urge the President to step down. Again with the help of his family and security apparatus, Hussein was able to accomplish his task. On July 16, 1979, President Bakr resigned, officially due to health problems, but in reality a victim of Hussein's political in-fighting. Moving quickly to consolidate his power, he called a major Baathist meeting on July 22, 1979. During the meeting, various family members and other Hussein devotees urged that the party be "cleansed". Hussein then read a list of names and asked that they step outside. Once there, they are taken into custody. A high-ranking member of the Revolutionary Command, the head of the labor unions, the leading Shiite member of the Command, and twenty (20) others are then systematically and personally killed by Hussein and his top party officials. During the next few days, reports indicate that as many as 450 other military officers, deputy prime ministers, and "non-party faithful" were rounded up and killed. This purge insured Hussein's consolidation of power in Iraq. In 1980, Iraq invaded Iran and conducted an eight year war against one of his nearest neighbors and the home of Shiite fundamentalist Muslims. Again, because it appeared that the Shiites could be a threat to his continued dictatorship, the Kurds (Iraqi minority) were sprayed with poison gas for participating with the Iranians in an attempted overthrow of his country. The war continued for eight years of brutality and even repression of Hussein's own countrymen (especially the Kurds). In 1988, after millions being killed, Iraq and Iran conduct a cease-fire and ended the bloodshed. By 1984, as many as 1.5 million Iraqis were supporters of Hussein and the Baathists. He continued to enlarge his security apparatus and army. In insidious ways, the party apparatus formed numerous government agencies to control and manipulate the citizens of Iraq. A statistical analysis of the population indicated that as many as fifty per cent of the Iraqis or a member of their family were employed by the government or military. The party and the people have become one. Hussein's domination of the country is complete. Even the war against Iran didn't end the peoples support for Hussein, although some small protests did dampen the population's support for the conflict with Iran. Ultimately however, the war with Iran only strengthened Hussein's resolve and, in some eyes, causes him to become a "hero" of Arab nationalism. This brings us to the chapter of Hussein's life that has not been thoroughly researched and written. It involves the 1990, summer invasion of Kuwait over a dispute about oil prices and political control of the Persian Gulf. The subsequent United Nation Resolutions and United States intervention in the defense of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other nearby countries will undoubtedly impact on the history of Saddam Hussein. Hussein has managed to survive the loss of a large portion of his army, a major psychological defeat, and control of the Northern and Southern part of Iraq, yet he continues in power in Iraq. His resilience is extraordinary, and so far he has managed to elude the allied powers, who would like to see him replaced as the leader of a major Middle-Eastern country. One thing is sure, Hussein is a man who is filled with pride. He is firmly entrenched in the history and culture of Iraq. If past history can serve as a guide, in regard to his future behavior, one can expect that he will use all of his resources to exact revenge against those that defeated him. The most viable route for revenge, by Hussein and Iraq, is the conduct of terrorist operations. No one should discount his future involvement in actions against the United States or her allies. (The above statement was written before the second Gulf War of 2003).
The following words were written before the second
Gulf War of 2003.
(Saddam has now been collapsed according to the foretelling of Homorhythm.)
Hussein regime might be collapsed this year
and in that case Saddam would die in 2008.
Homorhythm foretells this
provided that he is of Mosaic Pattern(OT) of HOMORHYTHM.
If Saddam
Hussein is of OT pattern, his period of power may be ended this year
and six years later his life also would terminate with the age of 72 and a few
(Today is the 12th of February, 2003.)
By this Iraqi War
the homorhythm of Sadam Hussein has been proved to be of OT-Pattern of Life,
which means the period of his power came to an end in 2003 to be restored no
and he will die in 2008 all stripped of his old grandeur and dignity.
In his time of power he was an arrogant king-eagle soaring high up in the lofty
and with the time once gone he has become a mere bird in cage.
Hereafter he will no more stay in power.
He hath shewed
thee, O man, what {is} good; and what doth the Lord require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? (Mic 6:8).
The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry?
All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field:
The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the LORD bloweth
upon it:
surely the people is grass. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth:
but the word of our God shall stand for ever.(Isa.39:6-8)
all, the date of his birth should be correct.
Hussein's fashomo is not a SN pattern, but of FS pattern. The analyst has been painfully mistaken here.
Well, the following is the answer.
How to read the above diagram
... Hussein was reared alone by his mother Subha, until she took a second husband, Ibrahim Hassan. Hassan, often said to have been brutal and a thief, was a sheepherder by profession and enlisted Saddam in his ventures. According to a former personal secretary of Hussein, his step father abused Saddam and sent him to steal chicken and sheep to be sold. This pattern continued until 1947 when, at the age of ten, he was allowed to move in with his mother's brother, Khayrallah Tulfah, in Baghdad.
In Baghdad, Hussein began to learn more than reading and writing. His tutor, Khayrallah had been "cashiered" from the Iraqi army for supporting a "Pro-Nazi" coup attempt that failed. Khayrallah's bitterness towards the British and imperialism, soon was transferred to Saddam. In fact, some confidants of Hussein point to his relationship with Tulfah as a turning point in his political awareness. To demonstrate Tulfah's importance to Hussein, he was later made Mayor of Baghdad under the Hussein regime.
Saddam finished intermediate school (roughly the equivalent of 9th Grade) at the age of sixteen, and attempted to be admitted to the prestigious Baghdad Military Academy.
Unfortunately, his poor grades prevented him from doing so, and he became more deeply involved in political matters. In 1956, he participated in a non-successful coup attempt against the monarchy of King Faisal II. In 1957, he joined the Baath party, a radical nationalist movement. In 1958, a non-Baathist group of army officers succeeded in overthrowing the King. The group was led by General Abdul Qassim. In 1959, Saddam and a group of Baathist supporters attempted to assassinate Gen. Qassim by a day-light machine-gun attack. The attack was unsuccessful, but it helped to place Hussein in a leadership position in the Baathist movement and furthered the process of nationalist political indoctrination. After the attack, in which Hussein is slightly wounded, he fled to Syria. From Syria, he went to Cairo, Egypt where he would spend the next four (4) years.
While receiving aid from Egypt, he finished high school at the age of twenty-four and continued his political education. While in Egypt, he was arrested on at least two occasions for threatening a fellow student and chasing another down the street with a knife, both for political differences. In 1961, he entered Cairo University School of Law, but did not finish his studies there. In 1963, a group of Baathist army officers tortured and assassinated General Qassim. This was done on Iraqi television. They also mutilated many of Qassim's devotees and showed their bodies (in close up) on the nightly news for more than one night. Saddam, hearing the news, quickly rushed back to Iraq to become involved in the revolution. And involved, he was, as both an interrogator and torturer at the infamous "Palace of the End", in the basement of the former palace of King Faisal.
According to reports by Hanna Batatu (a government reporter), Hussein rose quickly through the ranks, due to his extreme efficiency as a torturer. The Baathist party split in 1963 and Saddam had supported the "winner" in the latest party struggle. He was appointed by Michel Aflaq to be a member of the Baath Regional Command. In 1964, Hussein was jailed by some "rightist" military officers who opposed the Baathist takeover. Through other political influence provided by his older cousin, General Ahmad Hassan al-Bakr, Hussein became deputy Secretary-General of the Baathists in 1966.
In 1966, Hussein escaped from prison and set up a Baathist internal party security system known as the Jihaz Haneen. It was to serve as the continuation of his political and real rise to power in Iraq. In 1968, another major upheaval in Iraq gave Hussein the greatest opportunity for further advancement; his mentor, Gen. Bakr and the Baathist seized the government. Hussein was made Deputy Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council, in charge of internal security.
At the age of thirty-one (31) he had acquired what could have been deemed the number two spot in the Baathist party. He would continue in the position for approximately the next ten years. During that time, he would continue to consolidate his power by appointing numerous family members to positions of authority in the Iraqi government. In his position of Deputy in Charge of Internal Security, he built an enormous security apparatus and had spies and informers everywhere in the circles of power in Iraq.
During this time, Hussein also began to accumulate the wealth and position that he so relished as a poor sheep-herder in the desert of al-Auja. He and his family, now firmly entrenched in the infrastructure of the country , began to control the country's oil and other industrial enterprises. With the help of his security network and several personal assassins, Hussein took control of many of the nation's leading businesses.
In 1978, Saddam had been working with other Arab nations to ostracize Egypt for it's diplomatic initiative in resolving Israel/Arab questions. An ally, President Hafez al-Assad of Syria, almost became the undoing of Hussein's ascension. If a Syrian/Iraqi federation were formed against Egypt, Assad, not Hussein, would rise to a position of greater power in the relationship. President Bakr would lead the federation with Assad as second in command. Hussein could not allow that to happen and began to urge the President to step down. Again with the help of his family and security apparatus, Hussein was able to accomplish his task.
On July 16, 1979, President Bakr resigned, officially due to health problems, but in reality a victim of Hussein's political in-fighting. Moving quickly to consolidate his power, he called a major Baathist meeting on July 22, 1979. During the meeting, various family members and other Hussein devotees urged that the party be "cleansed". Hussein then read a list of names and asked that they step outside. Once there, they are taken into custody.
A high-ranking member of the Revolutionary Command, the head of the labor unions, the leading Shiite member of the Command, and twenty (20) others are then systematically and personally killed by Hussein and his top party officials. During the next few days, reports indicate that as many as 450 other military officers, deputy prime ministers, and "non-party faithful" were rounded up and killed. This purge insured Hussein's consolidation of power in Iraq ...
In March, 2003 the second Gulf War broke out and Hussein regime was overthrown. Hussein was sentenced to death and executed in December, 2006.
How to calculate and analyze Hussein's FASHOMO
From 1937 to 1959 ..............................
22 yrs
From 1959 in Egypt ............................... 4 yrs
From March, 2003 to Dec., 2006 .......... 3yrs 9 ms
Total ................................................ a. 30 yrs (non-power period for Hussein's life span - a. 70 years - of FS pattern)
The non-power period of FS pattern is 3/7 of the whole life span and accordingly Hussein's life pattern belongs to FS seeing that his total life span was about 70 years - 69 years and 8 months in all.
Point of being mistaken in analyzing Hussein's Fashomo
Hussein early made his mark when he participated in a 1959 assassination attempt against Iraqi Prime Minister Abudul Karim Kassim, therefore his power-period of his FS pattern begins from this time. And we also ignored the fact that even before 1979 when Saddam achieved his ambition of becoming head of state for years he had been the power behind the ailing figure of the president, Ahmed Hassan Bakr. Hence Hussein's power-period should be confined to the presidency of his country. Even being jailed during the time should be counted as another sphere of his political activities.
Men have no power over men's lives. God governs this world and rules the universe. According to His will alone men die or live. The death of Hussein, therefore, is just in accordance with the predetermined will and plan of God. Absolutely men have no power over whatever at all except that everyone of us has his own will to determine his own eternal destiny. Just this one point God cannot and will not touch so much so that even God the Creator has become the man to suffer and die in our stead. If God could make our will this or that way at His will and at His disposal He would never dare to become a man to suffer at the cross.
God the Creator loves what He has made and He naturally expects His creatures to love one another. Therefore every person, man or angel, is to love his neighbor as himself, not to love himself and this is the law of life, eternal life. The life which we have known is an animal life. We need eternal life, the life which never hangs on to the laws of nature. According to this natural law no life can live eternally for every flesh becomes in time decayed to return to earth.
The love of God as revealed through the Cross of Jesus Christ proves the one aspect of that divine law of life, that is, the love of God toward man. The other aspect is for us to love God accordingly. The Son of God gave Himself for you and this is God's aspect of that divine law and so you should give yourself for Him since this is your part or aspect of the law. Giving oneself for another means that you cannot love yourself. You ought not to do anything for yourself for God does that part, and not you yourself.
According to this divine law of life and love between A and B A ought not to love himself for B loves him and also B should not love himself for A loves him better. This is according to the fact that A cannot look at himself but B can look at A better and perfectly, and so A could not do for himself better than B would do for him and vise versa. As A represents you B may indicate God or your neighbor. Adam and Eve broke this divine law taking the fruit of good and evil for themselves and this act became fatal mistake.
In conclusion, God foresaw all and predestinated accordingly. Without foreknowledge the predestination would be utterly impossible. Therefore God foresaw that everyone of us would act this way or that way according to our own free will for the core of love between the two lies in the free will on each part.
O man, therefore, we repeat; man has no power at all over their fellow-men. They may kill, cause trouble and make wars. But over them all God overrules. Hence forsake hatred, evil doings and violence of any kind. Instead, seek the way of peace and love. Be reconciled with one another. Say to each other like Joseph of old: "Do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life...so now it was not you who sent me here, but God and He has made me a father to Pharaoh...as for you , you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive."(Gen.50:20; 45:5,8). All things work together for good to them that love God.
What about Kim Jung il or Osama bin Laden?
Time will tell you all.
on the 31st, December, 2006
Osama Bin Laden is no more
on earth. His remains have been buried underground.
You will find no clue
of him from now on.
He has been dead according to his own Homorhythm.
Hitler was dead in 1945
and yet many rumors that he was alive had been
round about for some years even after that.
Everyone of you
who read this article
can be a specialist of Homorhythm,
for Homorhythm
is so easy and simple
that even primary school children may work at it
with their simple mathematics which they have learned at school
become experts or professionals on Homorhythm,
since what they have to
do is just to file their date
that they have analyzed on the historical
lives of men and women.
You may publish what you have filed
as the author of Homorhythm let me say and let it be convinced
that you
are restricted or regulated
to publish the data of the lives of your own
country only,
and that you pay me the royalty.
You may e-mail me at
If you are interested
in Homorhythm
let me write a column everyday or on weekends for your press,
analyzing each time one life of the famed as shown at
My column will simply consist of Homorhythm diagram,
short comments on the life concerned
and the points of analysis, if need
be, showing how to calculate the pattern of its Homorhythm.
The Evidence of God's Oracles Manifested
for the 21st Century of the Last
A man can receive nothing
it has given to him
from heaven (John 3:27).
Every good gift and every perfect gift is
from above, and comes down from the Father of lights(James 1:17).
(Christ said to Pilate the Roman governor:)
You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given
you from above(John 19:11).
(Christ said to God the Father:)
have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to
Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight (Matt.11:25-26).
(Christ said to Peter:)
Blessed are you, Simon Barjonah,
for flesh and blood have not revealed this to you, but My Father Who is in heaven(Matt.16:17).
(Christ says:)
No one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does
anyone know the Father except the Son,
and the one to whom the Son wills
to reveal Him(Matt.11:27).
(Christ says:)
No one can come to Me
unless the Father Who sent Me draws him(John 6:44).
(Christ says:)
It is written in the prophets, "and they shall all be taught by God."
Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me(John
(Christ says:)
No one can come to Me unless it has been
granted to him by My Father(John 6:65).
It pleased God, Who separated
me from my mother's womb and called me through His grace, to reveal His Son
in me(Gal.1:16).
Homorhythm no doubt is one of these God-given and God-taught revelations.
to believe in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior
is the result of a direct
revelation from God.
This revelation has nothing to do with scholarly background,
nor with intellectual and mental capacity.
I asked, sought, and knocked
on and on.
And lo and behold! The light poured in through the opened doors
have been beyond expression.
God has revealed Himself to Moses,
to the people around him
the rod he held was the evidence of that revelation.
Homorhythm, in my humble
is the very evidence of what God has revealed and spoken these
This homorhythmic
prediction is based on its mathematical precision of operation.
It's a future-telling,
not a fortune-telling,
like the foretelling of space scientists
they were going to reach the moon by sending there a band of astronauts.
And their foretelling was precise,
because their prediction was according
to the exactness of the natural laws
proved to be true by mathematical
Foretelling by homorhythm belongs to the same nature of category.
We tell of something
by homorhythm that it would be turned out in such and such ways
we believe that it cannot be done otherwise.
The power and wonder of Homorhythm
lies in its sublime simplicity.
It is as if the Creator on purpose prepared
it to be so
that even a man of simplest sort of disposition might be able
to fully understand
that man is a mere creation of the Creator.