Power and Period     

You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above
A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven
(John 19:11, 3:27)




Saddan Hussein

Osama bin Laden

Ceausescu, Nicolae

Kim Jong-il

Jesus Christ






Trinifas and Fashomo
Homorhythm points to the fact that God the Creator rules the world

An atom consists largely of empty space and various constituent particles. Near the center of the atom is a dense core, or nucleus, comprising protons and neutrons. The nucleus is positively charged, since the protons each carry one unit of positive electric charge, while the neutrons carry none.. The nucleus is surrounded by a diffuse cloud of electrons, particles with a negative electric charge. Because opposite electric charges attract the negatively charged electrons are bound to the positively charged nucleus.

All the creation of God shows the same picture of structure and without exception follows the pattern of TRINI. The state in which the Godhead abides we call "Trinity", namely, God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. We can show it by the diagram below.



In other words, God begot (made) Another of Himself, His Image, out of Himself. And God the Father is greater than God the Son. They abide always in Oneness. The Bible expresses this fact this way; "the Son in the bosom of the Father". This state of Oneness we cannot call "Father" because the Son is also with Him, neither call Him "Son" for the Father is also with the Son as ever. So we call in common and general way "the Holy Spirit". Since God is a Spirit, when we call Him as "the Holy Spirit" we mean not only the Father with His Son, or the Son with His Father, but also the Father or the Son in person or as an individual. God the Father and God the Son never abides separately. Always abide in One. Therefore the Bible describes God calling Himself as "One God". This oneness therefore should not be understood in numerical conception, but in the conception of love. So the Bible clearly states, "We" or "let Us", etc.

God needed not other Son or Sons. He made His Son as His Image and only One Son is enough, so the Bible tells "His only begotten Son". This is the very root of love or of oneness. Between you and me - this is love. No other person further needed. Just one and it is enough. The reason lies here; you look at me and I am looking at you. I cannot see myself in whole. You can look at me thoroughly. If you look at me wholly you can do something or anything that I cannot do for myself because I cannot see myself in whole. So in seeing me you take care of me and I for you. This is love, or the law of love.  

The relationship between the Father and  the Son is just so.  The relationship or fellowship of love. So God is love, the Bible states. This is the meaning of love.
According to this God the Son gave Himself for me since I cannot do anything for myself, for my salvation. And being saved I live for ever for God and not for myself.  This is the true way of living, of life. From the beginning it has been so. It cannot be otherwise. Being saved I live only for my Lord Jesus Christ as Paul the apostle says, "there is no one among us who lives for himself or die  for himself."  

Sin is none other than living for oneself, not for God Who love him in the relationship or fellowship of love as stated above. As God the Father only lives for the Son and the Son for the Father, God as Creator never lives for Himself but for His creatures. This His proved by the cross where He suffered for you and me. Simple. Even a child can understand. So is the Word of God spoken to us  for our eternal wellbeing. He never speaks or does anything for Himself. All for us. For us only. This is love.

The fact we want to point to here is that God made everything in this universe according to this structure of love, that is TRINI. Of course in the Bible there is no such word. Just for explanation of this simple but all-loving truth we have named it so. So we call this structure of the universe as Trinifas. FAS means "divine law" in Latin. This wording stresses the point that this common structure patterned by the state in which God the Father and God the Son abide is one of vivid evidences of God the Creator.  

Moreover, God has let us know this fact too, namely, Trinihomo or Fashomo. The name of Fashomo indicates that all human lives are guided and scheduled minutely according the rule of FS(Four Sevenths). SN(Seven Nineteenths) and OT(One Third). The divine law which governs the lives of men,  so is  the name of "Fas Homo(homo sapiens)".

It is interesting that the structure of Homorhythm follows this same pattern of Trini. This alone is enough to prove that this law which governs the human lives is real and true and not a futile product of mere imagination.


Why the figure of 19 besides 7, 3, 4 and what is the meaning of the period of JP in the case of OT and SN?

The mystery of 19. What is it?  The figure of 19 is one of the constituents of SN pattern. Other two patterns, FS and OT, have no such odd figures. Their constituent figures are straight enough, so simple and familiar - 4/7, 3/7 and 1/3. But the pattern of SN only has such oddity. Why? The reason is quite simple and very interesting. That is, the figure of 19 or the pattern of SN, it has been proved, comes from the pattern of OT.  OT has 57 joints in all and when divided by three the joints give 19. The 19 of SN pattern is none other than that figure. In other words, the pattern of SN is the "reversed" form of OT(57 divided by 19 gives 3. Both of OT and SN have the same joints - 57 while FS has 56.)  It indicates that the two patterns are of the same root or twins, a sort of homonym(namesake). This is important; SN comes from OT. Namely, OT's metamorphosis or modification. Then what is the root of both, SN and OT?  It is the pattern of FS.

For this reason, these two patterns have the period of JP since JP is the transformed form of FS. It is not that FS has two sons, OT and SN. It is that FS has divided itself in two and now has become OT and SN. One has become Two and the Two each have the same marks on them which implicate they are originally One and still exist as One.  FS represents the original One before being divided in Two and also retains the symbolical position which indicate that the Twos abide always as One closely linked with each other. This is the core of the Trini principle as explained above. As if to show that JP is the symbolical form of FS the period of JP has 56 joints. This stresses the point that JP does not have an independent meaning but has closely connected with the form of FS and the twin patterns, OT and SN.





The structure of JP


As the above diagram shows the pattern of FS and the period of JP have striking resemblance. Actually they have no difference. The period of JP covers one's primitive(including childhood) days of life beginning from the time of birth.
This period of JP was found while analyzing the life of Joseph and so named it JP(Joseph's Pattern). According to this analysis Joseph spent happy life under the careful custody of his father until 17 years of age(his period of JP-Sunny was then expired) and after that was forced to leave his father Jacob and began his JP-period Shady began. The duration of Joseph's JP is 30 years and after this period of JP his SN power period begins. Joseph holds his position of power until he is around 70.5 years old. At the age of about 71 he seemed to retire or leave his public office. After this he lives 40 more years.

In other words, this wonderful structure of Homorhythm points to the fact that its very construction shows the form of Trini, the basic form of structure of this universe and everything God has made. As stated above, it is the very picture wherein God abides as One - God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. FS might be applicable to the Holy Spirit,  OT to God the Father, SN to God the Son and JP to the Spirit. Let us explain this way too. Here is A and A has divided itself in two and becomes B and C.  Therefore in reality A no more exists now that A has become B and C. Nevertheless, B and C acts and moves as One as though A still and only exists. This is the meaning of Trini principle. As B and C acts as One not as Two the Twos naturally want to be regarded as one and this "one" though it in reality does not exist is reckoned as a sort of united complex. Hence these B and C in oneness adhere to acting as the former A as though A alone existed.  But in fact this A is not the former individual A but A compound or A complex(with B and C each having its own personality of independence). All this oneness of relationship between B and C we call 'love'. A still exists not as an individual but as a combined union, so to speak. This means that B never acts as an individual B but as A, and C also does the same. Hence A is not B, nor C. But A is what B might be and C could be. This is possible because B lives for C and not for himself and C too does everything for B and not for himself. This is love. The structure of Homorhythm is not exempted from this basic pattern of creation. Every creation of God has this mark of form or pattern.

By this principle of love and life God the Son came to the earth to save you. He came to suffer for you so that you and He might become one as the Father and the Son is One. In other words, His suffering is your own suffering, His death is your own death and His resurrection is your own resurrection. His glory is of course yours as you have fellowship in His suffering. Everything God has done is according to this law of love.

Friends, Homorhythm is true and real. A God-ordained principle of ruling over the men and women. Everything He has made point to the fact of being created by God Who works in accordance with this principle. Homorhythm is also one of these unmistakable tokens. Don't be foolish enough to put off your decision and your own salvation. God has been merciful and gracious enough to let you know this fact of Homorhythm, one of the unmovable proofs of His mighty power and providence.