Power and Period     

You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above
A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven
(John 19:11, 3:27)




Saddan Hussein

Osama bin Laden

Ceausescu, Nicolae

Kim Jong-il

Jesus Christ

Joseph]s Pattern




 The Analysis of the Life of Jesus Christ

You could have no power at all against Me
unless it had been given you from above(John 19:11).

A man can receive nothing,
except it be given him from heaven(John 3:27).

 In case you believe in His salvation
Homorhythm further proves that
He is the God-Man or the Lamb of God,
His earthly life being short-cut before its time
for your sins and mine.


All human beings are classified in just three, namely FS, OT and SN.
However, Jesus("the Saviour" in Hebrew) Christ("the Saviour" in Greek the world language of that time) is the only one exception. His life neither belongs to OT, nor SN, nor FS.

The only dates known to us as revealed in the Bible are two. One is that at twelve years old He was in Jerusalem alone without Mary His mother and Joseph her husband. He was in the temple with the aged scholars of the Jewish laws and doctors of the Scripture discussing with them. And the other is that as the Bible tells us He began to teach around the age of 30. That is all.

When we conclude that He died at the age of 33 after teaching for three years we do not find any clue that His life belongs to one of the three patterns of Homorhythm. Every other person in history has his or her own pattern of Homorhythm without exception. Jesus has none.

The only explanation is that He has His own pattern of life of Homorhythm.
That is Messianic Pattern of Life. In Biblical terms the life pattern of Messiah is specialized in being cut off from the living according to the prophet Isaiah. In other words, the life of Messiah was going to be cut off for the life of the world as the sacrificial Lamb of God. Therefore He was not allowed to finish His Homorhythmic life as a human being only to fulfill the prophecy that He would be killed before His proper time of death.

Such unusual and unique Pattern indicates that He ought to be the Son of God. One cannot die for many lives for his life is one and not many. It is enough for one to die for one, but he cannot die for many because he has not many lives. But with God it is different. He could die for the whole lives of human beings. Even though He became a man like one of us, He is still God and can give His body for ransom for many.

Even in this point of view we might explain why He is the only exception - He cannot belong to Homorhythmic pattern of life for He is man-God or God-man.

Homorhythm, in fact, shows us three folds of meaning:

First, it shows the Creator lives and governs the human lives.
Second, the Bible is His oracle, the message of God toward men. If God is, there should be His message delivered to us His creators and this kind of message cannot be but one. It is impossible that He would have many channels to reveal His will to us. One is enough and that one is the Bible.
And the only theme of the Bible is Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world.
Third, Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world. It is because He is the only exception of all human beings which

belongs to one of the three patterns of life of Homorhythm.

The more you search for the lives of men and women in history through the analysis of Homorhythm, the more you would be convinced that God works through it all. You would just be amazed at the fact that the human lives are simply puppets displayed on the stage of history. Of course man has his free will and it is true that God will not touch it. But as to his life career in this world the matter is different. The iron grasp of God is absolutely over it.

The free will of human being is related with his eternal welfare. To have eternal life or perish wholly depends on the free will of each individual. But to be rich, or powerful, or not to be in this world is wholly of God.

Homorhythm also proves the truthfulness of the Bible. For instance, Noah has been regarded as hoax and farce for his life was reported by the Bible that he lived for 950 years. And the accuracy of Homorhythm actually proves that he really lived so much.

Of course, many would deny this claim of Homorhythm and would not consent to it. Nevertheless they would, at least, have to admit that it is a matter of probability. In other words, they have to prove that this standing of Homorhythm is false and if not they should admit it to be true. it is because Homorhythm itself asserts that God is, the Bible is true and Jesus Christ is truly the Saviour of the world.

If you would not prove that Homorhythm is false and unreal, you would have to admit that its claims are true. And if you postpone to decide on this till the sudden time of your death you would have no excuse at the judgement of the Last Day about which the Bible clearly says, for this Homorhythm would point its finger at you at the seat of prosecutor.


 The Analysis of the Life of the Living Who are Alive Today

You could analyze the lives of men and women living around
trying to find when they are to die or how long they would continue their present position, etc.,
but at present they should be over 60 years old to be correctly(comparatively) scrutinized.
Don't bother me, however, with queries as to when your loved ones would die and so so.
It is because you yourself can do the job without any aid from any other including me.
Nevertheless in case you can't find out the 'how' by yourself, then you may email me.

The only difference between you and me is that you hear of Homorhythm for the first time
while I believe in the mathematical accuracy of it
as the result of analyzing many lives of history for nearly 30 years.

The life of the late Korean President Park Jung Hee could be scanned
when he was successful in his coup d'tat.
The end of the life of Kim Il-Sung, of North Korea, was also calculated several months before his death.
The last time of Jung Joo Yung, the once-famed head of HYUNDAY plutocracy,
was also predicted before several years before his last.

I believe if you have enough piles of your study on the lives of historical men and women
you may be able to forsee the last times of the living.
However, this is not like a fortune-telling or soothsaying
but like discharging a spaceship for the moon.
As applying mathematics enables us to reach the moon, so is the theory with Homorhythm;
it purely works by mathematical rules and operation.
Besides that, not with a higher mathemtics but with simple and basic calculation.
This fact has undoubtedly been a Wonder itself.

One of those which Homorhythm teaches us all is
that a man's life is undestroyable and nondestructive
until the end of its time.
In other words, it means that the Creator is interested in man one by one, person by person.

Murder and suicide, therefore, are the most foolish things men ever could commit.
Whether or not a man put his hand to crush other man's life or his own,
that life is naturally to be finished when the end of its time comes.
Why should he then act like brute beasts?